Henderson Senior Living

NEVADA MEDICAID Home and Community Based Waiver

Nevada offers The Home and Community Based Waiver, for the Frail Elderly, also referred to as the HCBW-FE Waiver. Via this program, supportive, non-medical services are available to seniors in their home, in the home of a relative, or in the community. Benefits may include adult day care, respite care, homemaker and chore services, meal preparation, and adult companionship. Personal care services may also be sought in assisted living facilities that have been approved by the state.

How to apply

Nevada residents who qualify for Medicaid should contact their regional Aging and Disability Office to begin the application process. A wait list for this waiver may exist. Interested persons should check with their local county office to find out the latest information on waiting and processing times.
Some limited additional information about this waiver is available on the Department of Health and Human Services’ website.

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